If you have been searching for the best Ade Advanced Optics Red Dot, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Ade Advanced Optics Red Dot from different categories on the market.

Best Ade Advanced Optics Red Dot

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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Part Number RD3-006B
Model RD3-006B
Warranty 1 year
Color red

  • This green dot sight comes equipped with a Picatinny mounting base and is also compatible with various handgun mounting plates that replace the rear sight dovetail. It's designed to fit the Doctor Footprint Plate/Slide seamlessly.
  • The on/off switch for this sight is conveniently positioned at the front, making it much easier to press compared to red dots with side-mounted switches. It features a 3 MOA dot size and offers 5 illumination settings. The sight is fully adjustable for windage and elevation and can be locked into place. With unlimited eye relief and various illumination settings, it is powered by an included lithium CR2032 battery.
  • Since its initial release in 2014, we've implemented numerous improvements to enhance its durability, ensuring it can withstand recoil while also improving its ability to hold zero. The front switch, battery housing, and hardware have all been recently updated, reflecting our commitment to continuous enhancement. This product is proudly designed in Oregon.
  • Although it's feasible to install the optic on a handgun without the assistance of a gunsmith, we highly recommend seeking the expertise of a professional for the installation process. It's essential to note that unprofessional installations, such as improper torque application, can lead to issues like loose screws, an inability to hold zero, damage to the firearm or optic, and even pose a risk of personal injury.
  • If you're not seeing a perfect round dot but instead observe a splashed dot, half-moon shape, multi-dot, or starburst, there's a high probability (99%) that you might have astigmatism without being aware of it. What you perceive is likely a small reflection of the LED light on the lens. A quick and simple way to confirm this is by using your cellphone to take a photo of the dot. If the photo shows a circular dot, you've essentially diagnosed yourself with astigmatism.
  • ADE RD3-006 Huracan,RD3-009 Crusader,RD3-012 Delta, RD3-012 PRO, RD3-013 Bertrillium ,RD3-015 Zantitium, RD3-028 Ares fit optic cut/plate that is compatible with Vortex Venom/Burris Fastfire/Doctor footprint
  • ADE RD3-018 Spike, RD3-021 Nuwa, RD3-021 NUWA PRO and RD3-030 Apollo fit optic cut/optic plate that is compatible with shield RMS/RMSC/Deltapoint Pro footprint
  • ADE RD3-021c NUWAcc fits optic cut/optic plate that is compatible with Trijicon RMRcc footprint
  • ADE RD3-019 Stingray, RD3-020 Raptor, RD3-022 Artemis, RD3-023 Valkyrie and RD3-029 Trumpet fit optic cut/optic plate/ that is compatible with Trijicon RMR/SRO/Holosun 407C/507C footprint

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Part Number rd3-006A-HURACAN
Model rd3-006A-HURACAN
Warranty 1 year manufacturer
Color Green

  • We have made several improvements since it's initial release in 2016. We have made it more durable to withstand recoil and improved the ability to hold zero. Designed in Oregon.This GREEN dot comes with a picatinny mounting base.
  • Lenses are precision ground and polished to exacting geometries to virtually eliminate parallax and to provide a very clear, crisp sight picture.This GREEN dot comes with a picatinny mounting base. Other handgun mounting plates are not included.
  • It is fits directly to "Optics Ready" pistols that does not need to remove rear sight such as Glock MOS, Springfield OSP. It also fits Canik using Canik provided #1 mount, however the front switch of the sight needs to trim down 2mm.
  • 3 MOA. Fully windage and elevation adjustable and lockable; Unlimited Eye Relief. Multi Illumination Settings. Powered by a lithium CR2032 battery(Included).It is also compatible with varies handgun mounting plates that replace rear sight dovetail.
  • ADE RD3-006,RD3-009,RD3-012,RD3-013,RD3-015 are designed to fit the slide/footprint of plate made for Vortex Venom,Burris Fastfire,Meopta,Docter,Insight,Eotech MRDS.Any Plate made for those brands also fits this sight.RD3-011 only Fits Trijicon ftprt

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Part Number RD3-009-2
Model RD3-009-2
Warranty 1 year
Color Red
Size One Size

  • We have made several improvements since it's initial release in 2014. We have made it more durable to withstand recoil and improved the ability to hold zero. Designed in Oregon.
  • Waterproof/Shock/Fog Resistant. Lenses are precision ground and polished to exacting geometries to virtually eliminate parallax and to provide a very clear, crisp sight picture.
  • This red dot comes with a picatinny mounting base. It is also compatible with varies handgun mounting plates that replace rear sight dovetail. It is also compatible to Optics Ready pistols such as Glock MOS, Springfield OSP,
  • Fully windage and elevation adjustable and lockable; Unlimited Eye Relief. 5 MOA. 5 Illumination Settings. Powered by a lithium CR2032 battery(Included)
  • Ade model RD3-006,RD3-009,RD3-012,RD3-013,RD3-015 are designed to fit the slide/footprint of plate made for Vortex Venom,Burris Fastfire,Meopta,Docter,Insight,Eotech MRDS. Any Plate made for those brands also fits this sight.

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Part Number rd3-006A
Model rd3-006A
Color Green,Red

  • Fully windage and elevation adjustable and lockable; Unlimited Eye Relief. Multi Illumination Settings. Powered by a lithium CR2032 battery(Included).It is also compatible with varies handgun mounting plates that replace rear sight dovetail.
  • This Huracan Green Dot Sight fits directly to Optics Ready pistols that does not need to remove rear sight such as Glock MOS, Springfield OSP. It also fits Canik using Canik provided mount marked for Doctor/Venom type red dot.
  • However the front switch of the sight needs to trim down 2mm depends on exact pistol model if the pistol's pre-cut is very short..
  • Comes with an removable picatinny mounting base to attach to any thing with piatinny rail. Fully windage and elevation adjustable and lockable; Unlimited Eye Relief. Powered by a lithium CR2032 battery
  • ADE RD3 006,RD3 009,RD3 012,RD3 013,RD3 015 are designed to fit the slide/footprint of plate made for Vortex Venom,Burris Fastfire,Meopta,Docter,Insight,Eotech MRDS.Any Plate made for those brands also fits this sight.

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Part Number RD3-009+F1
Color Red

  • Comes with an removable standard picatinny mount and handgun mount(replace rear sight) fits CERTAIN SW models such as Smith & Wesson M&P Full Size, M&P 2.0 Full Size, M&P 22 Full Size, M&P Compact, M&P 2.0 Compact, M&P Shield, SD9VE, SD40VE.
  • The pistol mount included for SW does NOT fit Smith & Wesson M&P C.O.R.E Series (Already optics ready), M&P Shield EZ .380, M&P .22 Compact, SW9VE, SW40VE, Sigma, 1911
  • The pistol mount included for SW does NOT fit any EZ, 380, EZ 380 models, such as M&P SHIELD EZ, M&P 380 SHIELD EZ. Any Shield or MP model that is EZ or 380 this Optic Plate WILL NOT FIT.
  • This ADE RD3-009 Crusader have made several improvements since it's initial release in 2016. We have made it more durable to withstand various recoil and improved the ability to hold zero. Designed in Oregon.
  • Waterproof/Shock/Fog Resistant. Lenses are precision ground and polished to exacting geometries to virtually eliminate parallax and to provide a very clear, crisp sight picture.
  • Fully windage and elevation adjustable and lockable; Unlimited Eye Relief. 5 MOA. 5 Illumination Settings. Powered by a lithium CR2032 battery(Included)

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Part Number RD3-009+PLATE FOR TAURUS G2
Color Red

  • Installing the aftermarket optic plate is not simply “plug and play”. We recommend having a qualified gunsmith to install. Comes with a ADE RD3-009 red dot, a Picatinny plate and a pistol optic plate to REPLACE the rear sight of G2c, G2s, G2, PT111 G2, Millennium G2, and TX22 Pistols.This plate also fits Taurus G3 with Original Rear sight(see photo)
  • This plate does NOT fit G3 with NEWER FACTORY STEEL SIGHT, G3C, please search "ADE G3C/GLOCK PLATE" on amazon. Does NOT fit Taurus new TX22C( TX22 Compact) which is Optics Ready, please see ADE RD3-018 SPIKE and RD3-021 NUWA(and NUWA PRO) and RD3-030 Apollo fit directly without any plate/adaptor.
  • 5 MOA. Operates with a single CR2032 battery(installed underneath). Multiple brightness setting. 1000 hours battery life on the brightest setting. Auto turns off after 4 hours. Approximately 1.01"H x 1.9"L x 1.1W
  • Shock proof,Fog proof and Waterproof for 30 minutes under 4ft water. Fully windage and elevation adjustable and lockable; Unlimited Eye Relief. Full metal construction with glass lens. No plastic body, no plastic lens.

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Part Number SPIKE (RD3-018)
Color Red

  • Designed to fit Canik Elite TP9 SC, Canik METE SFX, Canik METE SFT, FNH Reflex MRD, Sig P365X/P365XL/P365XL SPECTRE COMP, Ruger Max-9, Glock 43X MOS/48 MOS(not compatible with regular glock 43x/48 that are not MOS), Springfield Hellcat OSP, S&W Shield 2.0 Optics Ready, S&W MP9 EZ, S&W M&P shield plus performance center, Walther PPS M2 Optics Ready, Girsan MC1911SC Ultimate or any pistol/mounting plate/slide with RMS/RMSC screw pattern/footprint.
  • Hard coated aircraft aluminum and multi-coated glass. Not plastic body with polymer lens.
  • ADE SPIKE red dot sight is always powered on with automatic brightness. Operates with a single CR2032 3v battery. With our advanced technology the sight only draws approximate 700 microampere powers to give a very long battery life. The brightness will turn high and low accordingly to the environment brightness.
  • 4MOA, Weight approximately 17.6 grames(0.62oz), (Length)1.6" x (Width).92" x (Height).93"
  • Comes with screws for several Optics Ready handguns. Does not comes with any mounting plate such as picatinny mount or plate made for a specific handgun.
  • Ade SPIKE created an iron sight curve at the end of the body, and also added two white dots on the curve. For the rear of part of the red dot to become a back up iron sight. With the ultra short design, the red dot provides a distance/gap on some full size optics ready pistols, to give enough distance to be a Co-Witness back up sight, in addition to the LED dot and pistol equipped iron sight
  • For non-optics ready pistols that need to use an optic plate/adapter to replace the pistol manufacturer equipped rear sight, ADE Spike's rear white dot will act as a pistol factory original rear sight for Co-Witness.
  • Comes with 3 pairs of screws for Sig P365XL/X, Springfield Hellcat OSP and Canik TP9 Elite SC ONLY. The provided screws might NOT work with EVERY compatible pistol listed. ADE makes the red dot to accept the industrial standard footprint. The pistol manufacturer makes the optic cut/slide for the same footprint, but they have their own opinions to decide which type screws that the screw holes take.
  • ADE Does not know the screw spec every pistol manufacture used for their screw hole. Please ask the pistol manufacture what screw specs they used on the hole and ask them to provide the screw. If you can’t get the screw to work properly, we recommend going to a local hardware store such as ACE Hardware to get the right size.



Part Number RD3-021 NUWA
Color Red

  • Designed to fit Canik Elite TP9 SC, Canik METE SFX, Canik METE SFT, METE MC9, FNH Reflex MRD, Sig P365X/P365XL/P365XL SPECTRE COMP, Ruger Max-9, Glock 43X MOS/48 MOS(not compatible with regular glock 43x/48 that are not MOS), Springfield Hellcat OSP, S&W Shield 2.0 Optics Ready, S&W MP9 EZ, S&W M&P shield plus performance center, Walther PPS M2 Optics Ready, Girsan MC1911SC Ultimate or any pistol/mounting plate/slide with RMS/RMSC screw pattern/footprint.
  • Hard coated aircraft aluminum and multi-coated glass. Not plastic body with polymer lens.
  • ADE NUWA is the first(and the only)red dot with RMS/RMSc footprint that has TOP BATTERY LOADING system, no need to Remove the sight to change the Battery that requires re-sight in and waste ammo. Battery life approximately 500-800 depends on the brightness setting. 2MOA Red Dot. Weight approximately 15.5 grames(0.55oz), (Length)1.5" x (Width)..88" x (Height).89"
  • Comes with screws for several Optics Ready handguns. Does not comes with any mounting plate such as picatinny mount or plate made for a specific handgun.
  • Ade Nuwa created an iron sight curve at the end of the body, and also added two white dots on the curve. For the rear of part of the red dot to become a back up iron sight. With the ultra short design, the red dot provides a distance/gap on some full size optics ready pistols, to give enough distance to be a Co-Witness back up sight, in addition to the LED dot and pistol equipped iron sight
  • For non-optics ready pistols that need to use an optic plate/adapter to replace the pistol manufacturer equipped rear sight, ADE NUWA's rear white dot will act as a pistol factory original rear sight for Co-Witness.
  • ADE Nuwa is manual activated by pressing the on/off switch. Press and Hold switch for 2 seconds to turn on/off, quick press to adjust the brightness from low to high.
  • Comes with 3 pairs of screws for Sig P365XL/X, Springfield Hellcat OSP and Canik TP9 Elite SC ONLY. The provided screws might NOT work with EVERY compatible pistol listed. ADE makes the red dot to accept the industrial standard footprint. The pistol manufacturer makes the optic cut/slide for the same footprint, but they have their own opinions to decide which type screws that the screw holes take.
  • ADE Does not know the screw spec every pistol manufacture used for their screw hole. Please ask the pistol manufacture what screw specs they used on the hole and ask them to provide the screw. If you can’t get the screw to work properly, we recommend going to a local hardware store such as ACE Hardware to get the right size.

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Part Number RD3-021 PRO
Model RD3-021 PRO
Color Black Body

  • ADE is releasing several Pro Series red dots. This PRO SERIES for ADE RD3-021 Nuwa green dot is called NUWA PRO(RD3-021PRO). The additional features that the PRO series includes are Motion Activated System, IP67 Waterproof, and Multi Reticle Technology. This ADE NUWA PRO is designed to fit any pistol/mounting plate/slide/optic cut with RMS/RMSC screw pattern/footprint.
  • The NUWA PRO has a fixed 66 MOA Circle with 3 MOA Dot(cannot switch between). It is one of the lightest weight and smallest RMS footprint green dot with full metal construction, top battery loading and Motion Awake function
  • With Motion Activated System, while the NUWA PRO is turned on, the red dot illumination goes to sleep after five minutes of inactivity, but when any motion or vibration is detected, it instantly switches on illumination at the previous brightness setting. Operates with a single CR1632 battery. 6 daylight brightness setting and 1 NV setting. The Night Vision Dot is not visible by the human eye, it is can only be seen thought a Night Vision. Battery life up to 10000 hours.
  • Ade Nuwa PRO created an iron sight curve at the end of the body, and also added two white dots on the curve. For the rear of part of the red dot to become a back up iron sight. With the ultra short design, the red dot provides a distance/gap on some full size optics ready pistols, to give enough distance to be a Co-Witness back up sight, in addition to the LED dot and pistol equipped iron sight.
  • For non-optics ready pistols that need to use an optic plate/adapter to replace the pistol manufacturer equipped rear sight, ADE NUWA's rear white dot will act as a pistol factory original rear sight for Co-Witness.
  • Comes with the adjustment tool, user manual, lens cloth, red dot cover, CR1632 battery, screws. Parallax-free & Unlimited Eye Relief. Made of aircraft aluminum in anodized black finish with multi-coated lens. Weight approximately 15.5 grames(0.55oz), (Length)1.5" x (Width)..88" x (Height).89"
  • Comes with 3 pairs of screws for Sig P365XL/X, Springfield Hellcat OSP and Canik TP9 Elite SC ONLY. The provided screws might NOT work with EVERY compatible pistol listed. ADE makes the red dot to accept the industrial standard footprint. The pistol manufacturer makes the optic cut/slide for the same footprint, but they have their own opinions to decide which type screws that the screw holes take.
  • ADE Does not know the screw spec every pistol manufacture used for their screw hole. Please ask the pistol manufacture what screw specs they used on the hole and ask them to provide the screw. If you can’t get the screw to work properly, we recommend going to a local hardware store such as ACE Hardware to get the right size.
  • Designed to fit Canik Elite TP9 SC, Canik METE SFX, Canik METE SFT, METE MC9, FNH Reflex MRD, Sig P365X/P365XL/P365XL SPECTRE COMP, Ruger Max-9, Glock 43X MOS/48 MOS(not compatible with regular glock 43x/48 that are not MOS), Springfield Hellcat OSP, S&W Shield 2.0 Optics Ready, S&W MP9 EZ, S&W M&P shield plus performance center, Walther PPS M2 Optics Ready, Girsan MC1911SC Ultimate or any pistol/mounting plate/slide with RMS/RMSC screw pattern/footprint.

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Part Number RD3-009+E1
Color Red

  • Comes with aftermarket mounting plate for Springfield XD, XDM,XDS and also a standard picatinny mount. Does NOT fits any OSP version of the XD/XDM/XDS that is Optic Ready with a optic cut. The aftermarket mounting plate is made to REPLACE the rear sight.
  • This is ADE's entry level red dot origianlly released in 2014. Over the years of improvement, it is one of best budget red dot for the quality at this price range. We have made it more durable to withstand recoil and improved the ability to hold zero. Designed in Oregon. Starting Jan 2024, this red dot is shipped with Motion Awake Technology.
  • Designed to fit optic cut/plate that is compatible with Vortex Venom/Burris Fastfire/Doctor footprint. Please note: Some aftermarket slides have a precise optic cut based on the curved edge/corner of Vortex Venom, one of the common slide manufacturers is PSA Dagger(with Doctor cut). ADE and other brand red dots do NOT have the same curve as Vortex Venom, therefore this ADE RD3-009 red dot does NOT fit the aftermarket slide with CURVED vortex venom optic cut.
  • Motion Awake Technology. 6 MOA. Powered by a lithium CR2032 battery. Comes with Lens cloth, Instruction Manual, Recoil Reduction Rubber Shim, Piatinny Plate, Screws for conneting Picactinny Plate, Allen Wrench, tool, Battery Opener Coin, Battery.
  • Dimension: 1.9" length x1.1" width x1.0" height. IP67 Waterproof. The lens is coated with multi-coating to eliminate glare and provide a high level of performance in low light. Lenses are precision ground and polished to exacting geometries to virtually eliminate parallax and to provide a very clear, crisp sight picture.