If you have been searching for the best T Zone Spare Ball, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best T Zone Spare Ball from different categories on the market.

Best T Zone Spare Ball

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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1 used from $54.84
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Part Number BSBRU60106550PD94168
Model BSBRU60106550PD94168
Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer
Color Blue/Black Sparkle
Size 15

  • This bowling ball ships PRE-DRILLED with no holes unless you add drilling services, It's always good to have a spare, And with T-Zones being so affordable, you can
  • Just pick your favorite color, or two, or three, Great Ball for Kids, Beginners and Spare Shooting Coverstock: Plastic/Polyester Ball
  • Color: Many Colors Available- Product color of this ball is listed in the title of this ball, Ball Finish: High Gloss Polish, Hook Potential: 25 (Low) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
  • Recommended Lane Conditions: Any



Part Number BRU60106043PD21135
Model BRU60106043PD21135
Color Green/Blue
Size 12

  • Package quantity: 1
  • Package weight: 5.647 kg
  • No batteries required
  • Product Type: SPORTING GOODS

2 new from $114.95


Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer
Color Night Sky
Release Date 2024-04-18T00:00:01Z

  • This bowling ball ships PRE-DRILLED. There are 5 sizes and the sizes that we drill are based on the weight of the ball. X-Small: 6lbs- Ages 8 and under, Small:
  • 8lbs and 9lbs- Ages 8-11 and womens ring size from 8-11, Medium: 10lbs, 11lbs, and 12lbs, Ages 11-15 and Adult Ring size 10 or lower, Large:

2 new from $109.00
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Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer
Color Green/Blue
Size 10lbs

  • This bowling ball ships PRE-DRILLED. There are 5 sizes and the sizes that we drill are based on the weight of the ball. X-Small: 6lbs- Ages 8 and under, Small:
  • 8lbs and 9lbs- Ages 8-11 and womens ring size from 8-11, Medium: 10lbs, 11lbs, and 12lbs, Ages 11-15 and Adult Ring size 10 or lower, Large:
  • 13lbs and 14lbs, Mens ring size 10-12 or people with larger hands, X-Large: 15lbs and 16lbs, Mens ring size over 13 or people with extremely large hands.
  • If you would like a different size drilled for the weight you selected, you must contact us via email as soon as your order is placed with your order number.



Part Number TVB
Color White
Release Date 2019-10-14T00:00:01Z
Size Official Size

  • DESIGNED FOR INDOOR & OUTDOOR TBALL TRAINING, this box of 3 TVB balls are official size and weight compared to standard baseballs to help players train effectively and build confidence
  • SAFETY AND FUN are top priorities in creating these balls because it will allow beginner's to develop the most with the knowledge that they can train injury free and have fun during the process
  • DURABLE SYNTHETIC LEATHER COVER allows players to continually train with these baseballs
  • SPONGE AND RUBBER CENTER gives them a cushioned feel that are safer for younger, beginner players
  • Included Components: 3 baseballs

2 new from $119.95
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Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer
Color Pink/Ice Blue/White
Size 8lbs

  • This bowling ball ships PRE-DRILLED. There are 5 sizes and the sizes that we drill are based on the weight of the ball  X-Small: 6lbs- Ages 8 and under, Small:
  • 8lbs and 9lbs- Ages 8-11 and womens ring size from 8-11, Medium: 10lbs, 11lbs, and 12lbs, Ages 11-15 and Adult Ring size 10 or lower, Large:
  • 13lbs and 14lbs, Mens ring size 10-12 or people with larger hands, X-Large: 15lbs and 16lbs, Mens ring size over 13 or people with extremely large hands
  • If you would like a different size drilled for the weight you selected, you must contact us via email as soon as your order is placed with your order number.

2 new from $119.95
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Part Number BS60105912PD20630
Model BS60105912PD20630
Color Scarlet Shadow
Size 6

  • This bowling ball ships pre-drilled. There are 5 sizes and the sizes that we drill are based on the weight of the ball.
  • X-Small: 6lbs- Ages 8 and under, Small: 8lbs and 9lbs- Ages 8-11 and womens ring size from 8-11, Medium: 10lbs, 11lbs, and 12lbs
  • Ages 11-15 and Adult Ring size 10 or lower, Large: 13lbs and 14lbs, Mens ring size 10-12 or people with larger hands, X-Large: 15lbs and 16lbs, Mens ring size over 13



Part Number StrikeZoneTarget-LB
Color Red & Blue

  • Extra Sturdy - We have designed our backstop strike zone target from reinforced PVC for extra strength & stability, so you don't need to worry of your backstop falling apart or moving around & the central mat is designed to take pitch after pitch with ease.
  • Durable & Portable - Our strike zone backstop target is super easy to assemble & dissemble, so you can take it on the go easily without hassle, additionally every strike zone comes with a carrying case to make it more convenient to carry around - every strike zone comes with a detailed manual guide as well, for your convenience.
  • Official Size - The strike zone target has the official strike zone area of 20" x 30" that is compatible with wiffle & blitzball requirement - it also has an offset feature were the frame comes forward 7" so every strike can easily be identified without question. The strike zone measures from base to top approximately 4 feet.
  • Vibrant Design - We designed our strike zone from bold red & blue colors, to give the strike zone a fun and vibrant feel as well as making it more eye catching for the eye to help you identify the strike zone with ease.
  • Must Have! - If your looking to improve your in game experience with accurate strike calls, our strike zone target is an absolute must have, it will enhance the quality of the game and help you pitch with an accurate strike zone - with our extra thick material design this strike zone backstop is designed to last for your long lasting enjoyment!

2 new from $114.95


Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer
Color Night Sky
Release Date 2024-04-18T00:00:01Z

  • This bowling ball ships PRE-DRILLED. There are 5 sizes and the sizes that we drill are based on the weight of the ball. X-Small: 6lbs- Ages 8 and under, Small:
  • 8lbs and 9lbs- Ages 8-11 and womens ring size from 8-11, Medium: 10lbs, 11lbs, and 12lbs, Ages 11-15 and Adult Ring size 10 or lower, Large:

2 new from $104.26
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Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer
Color Night Sky
Release Date 2024-04-18T00:00:01Z

  • This bowling ball ships PRE-DRILLED. There are 5 sizes and the sizes that we drill are based on the weight of the ball. X-Small: 6lbs- Ages 8 and under, Small:
  • 8lbs and 9lbs- Ages 8-11 and womens ring size from 8-11, Medium: 10lbs, 11lbs, and 12lbs, Ages 11-15 and Adult Ring size 10 or lower, Large: