If you have been searching for the best Power Plant Food Plot, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Power Plant Food Plot from different categories on the market.

Best Power Plant Food Plot

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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Color Brown

  • 1 JUG (3 LBS.) = 1/2 ACRE (22,000 Sq. Ft) - Comes in a handy reuseable container
  • CAN LAST SEVERAL YEARS - A hardy mixture of PH tolerant cold season perrenials to provide nutrient rich forage for your deer and turkey
  • HIGH TOLERABILITY - Ability to tolerate high acidic soils, withstand drought and crowd out potential weed competition
  • PERFECT FOR HELPING ESTABLISH A BRAND NEW PLOT LOCATION - Best maintained by fertilizing and periodic mowing
  • LONG LASTING ATTRACTION - Spring, Summer and Fall

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Part Number IMP2
Model IMP
Warranty Limited
Color White
Size 2 lbs (.25 acres)

  • Packed with ANTLER-BUILDING protein
  • Helps does deliver HEAVIER, HEALTHIER fawns and produce more milk
  • EXTREMELY cold tolerant as well as heat and drought resistant
  • Coated with RainBond for ENHANCED seedling survivability
  • Lasts up to 5 years from a single planting

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Color Multi
Size 3 Pound (Pack of 1)

  • 1 JUG (3 LBS.) = 1/2 ACRE (22,000 Sq. Ft) - Comes in a handy reuseable container
  • THE PREMIER COLD SEASON FOOD PLOT - Big Sexy provides the protein and energy necessary to attract deer all fall and winter
  • SPECIAL VARIETIES OF TURNIP, RADISH, KALE AND FORAGE RAPE – Chosen for their attractiveness, hardiness, cold tolerance and high level of nutrition
  • LEAFY BULB PRODUCING FORAGE - To handle heavy graze pressure

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Part Number 230
Model 200
Color Brown
Size Four Seasons (1/4 Acre Perennial + Annual)

  • ALL-IN-ONE Seed + Fertilizer Food Plot System - The only seed + fertilizer food plot systems on the market. Includes Soil Starter (soil conditioner), 4 Seasons (perennial + annual seed blend), Root Booster (fertilizer), and Foliage Fuel+ (fertilizer) designed to help maximize the volume and attraction of your food plot.
  • Easy to Use - Pre-measured to ¼ acre coverage area, No big equipment needed. Add pre-calculated soil conditioners and fertilizers with water into portable sprayers. Food plot seed can be broadcasted with common seed spreaders. Includes step-by-step video instructional and maintenance tips to optimize your deer food plot.
  • Directly Feed the Plants - Proprietary super-concentrate food plot fertilizers feed the plants, enhancing growth during specific development stages. Unlike pelletized fertilizer that requires rain for activation and can dissipate or burn plants, our liquid fertilizer applications safely feed the food plot plants directly via leaf absorption.
  • Year-Round Performance - 4 Seasons deer food plot seed blend (3 Brassicas, 3 Clovers + Chicory) combines perennials and annuals to keep the local herd fed with highly palatable nutrients throughout each season. This easy to maintain, drought hardy blend helps maximize attraction year-round making it a great option for any deer management plan.
  • Nutritional Benefits - A diverse deer food source of dietary nourishment featuring a rich blend of proteins, carbohydrates, natural sugars, vitamins and minerals. Assisting in (Spring): fawn development, doe milk production (Summer): buck antler growth, muscle and bone development (Fall/Winter): energy and metabolism boosters to power through the pre-peak-post rut.

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Part Number CON7
Model CON
Color Conceal
Size 7 lbs (.25 acre)

  • Rapidly produces tall, thick cover right where you and/or your deer need it
  • Can grow 8 feet tall or taller
  • Designed with components that grow to different heights, ensuring that CONCEAL is very thick from top to bottom
  • Many potential uses including: bedding areas for deer, cover for deer around food plots, cover for deer travel, funnels, travel corridors across open ground, cover for hunters while traveling across open areas to and from stands, etc.
  • Other potential uses: connection between two heads of woods, divide large food-plot areas, shield food plots from visibility from roads or neighboring property, provide cover for ground stands, etc.



Part Number EVO73028
Model EVO73028
Warranty 1 Year manufacturer
Color Green
Size 10 Pound (Pack of 1)

  • NUTRITIOUS & DELICIOUS - 5 Card Draw combines the growing powers of oats, wheat, white clover, turnip & chicory for a food plot that's as diverse as palatable; The forage variety annual/perennial blend is designed to be eaten, grow back, then be eaten again
  • HIGH-PROTEIN FORAGE - With a deer favorite always growing, you'll quickly build regular hoof traffic and a stronger overall herd; This blend is high in protein and minerals and also has a sweet taste that attracts, patterns and holds deer on the property
  • ALL SEASON LONG PLOT FOR DEER - Grow lush, nutrient-rich forage through every season with 5 Card Draw; Evolved is pleased to bring a five-seed forage variety that works wonders for any planting schedule: spring, summer and even fall
  • ANNUAL/PERENNIAL BLENDS - These blends provide the benefits of perennials and annuals in one food plot " with some plants that grow large quantities quickly and others that provide consistent growth for several years
  • EVOLVED HAND-SELECTS SEEDS - based on the ability to attract wildlife with a high-volume nutritious food source; All seeds are designed specifically for consumption in the field to provide a nutrient-rich, highly-palatable diet for wildlife all year long

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Color Brown
Size 4.5 Pound (Pack of 1)

  • 1 JUG (4.5 LBS.) = 1/4 ACRE (11,000 Sq. Ft.) - Comes in a handy reuseable container
  • PERFECT FOOD PLOT MIX IF YOU DON’T HAVE HEAVY EQUIPMENT - Make sure your PH is right and work to rough up the soil with hand tools and garden rake
  • REMOVE LEAVES AND DEBRIS - This ensures proper seed to soil contact, improving seed germination, root development and overall success of the plot
  • DESIGNED TO ESTABLISH QUICKLY - Attracts deer to those hard to get to stand locations back in the woods
  • FINALLY A “NO TILL MIX” WITH ZERO “FILLERS - That doesn't require heavy equipment and is an absolute deer magnet

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Part Number EVO81003
Model EVO81003
Color Green
Size 2 Pound (Pack of 1)

  • THE PERSONAL PLOT FOR DEER - Rack'M Radish Pro provides late-season forage that's as attractive as it is satisfying; This blend from Evolved Harvest is high in protein and nutrients and is vital for the overall health of the entire herd
  • NUTRITIOUS & DELICIOUS MIX - This annual sееd blend combines daikon radishes with a special T-Raptor rape and turnip hybrid; Radishes are known for their attractant power, while turnips and rape deliver high protein with a sweet, hardy taste
  • PROGRO BIOSTIMULANT SЕЕD COATING - The Clover Pro from Evolved Harvest is now backed by the power of ProGro Biostimulant; This proprietary sееd coating grows plants that are stronger and healthier yielding larger plants and more forage per acre
  • ANNUAL SЕЕDS - These are fast-growing, high-yielding forage varieties that must be planted every year; They can typically be planted during the spring or fall; These plants produce high yields and keep growing back
  • EVOLVED HAND-SELECTS SЕЕDS - based on the ability to attract wildlife with a high-volume nutritious food source; All sееds are designed specifically for consumption in the field to provide a nutrient-rich, highly-palatable diet for wildlife all year long

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Model Fpmwh5lbOriginal
Color Green,Yellow
Size 5 Pound (Pack of 1)

  • OrOlam Food Plot 18 Mix Seeds Whitetail Deer & Goose
  • Contains high protein forage grain.
  • Seeds for Honey Bees, Deer,Turkey, Goose, Pheasant & Quail Food Plot Forage
  • Well suited for almost any soil, early maturing, Desired by most wildlife
  • Maturity - 60 to 90 days
  • 18 MIX WILD GAME Food Sorghum Iron & Clay Cowpeas - Purple Turnip Stonewall Soybeans Dwarf - Vetch Peredovic Sunflower -Browntop Millet - Reids Yellow Dent Corn WHEAT - OATS -RYE -AUSTRALIAN WINTER PEA -DIXIE CRIMSON CLOVER -Buckwheat - Sugar Beet



Color Green

  • 20 lbs. - Plants 1/2 Acre
  • Special Varieties of Forage Soybean, Forage Pea, Iron/Clay Cowpea, Lablab and Buckwheat
  • High Protein and High Tonnage to encourage body and antler growth
  • Perfect to plant in Spring or Summer
  • Tolerant to heat and humidity and handles high graze pressure