If you have been searching for the best Motorola Surfboard 6121, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Motorola Surfboard 6121 from different categories on the market.

Best Motorola Surfboard 6121

Product Title

Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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14 new from $42.00
31 used from $9.99


Part Number SB6121
Model SB6121
Warranty 1 year
Color Black
Release Date 2013-06-01T00:00:01Z
Size Max Download Speed: 172 Mbps
Language English

  • Compatible with Time Warner Cable, Charter, Cox, Cablevision, and more
  • Not compatible with Verizon FiOS or AT&T U-verse, no longer approved by Comcast Xfinity
  • Requires Cable Iternet Service, if not sure your provider is CABLE call them to confirm
  • BROWN BOX models NOT VALID for this item when sold as New, should report to Amazon immediately and RETURN to Seller
  • Wired modem only, does NOT include WIFI Router or VOIP Telephone adapter. Gigabit Ethernet port to connect to computer or Router for fast downloads.
  • Internet speeds based on your Cable providers service - up to 172 Mbps download and 131 Mbps upload. 4 Download and 4 Upload Channels.

5 used from $12.88


Part Number SB5120
Model SB5120
Color Black

  • Picture may not match actual product. Please contact Seller for more detailed pictures in the event of an unclear image.
  • Many of these parts and models are old; please contact the individual sellers if more details are needed.