If you have been searching for the best Lava 8008, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Lava 8008 from different categories on the market.

Best Lava 8008

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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45 new from $43.70


Part Number 10085
Model 10185
Color Green
Is Adult Product
Release Date 2023-08-31T00:00:01Z
Size 5.75 Ounce (Pack of 24)

  • Tough on dirt, grime, grease, oil, paint, ink, adhesives, caulk, grease and pretty much anything that gets on your hands
  • Contains pumice, a byproduct of volcanic activity that can be used as a soft abrasive
  • Moisturizers in the Lava formula keep your hands soft
  • Made from bio-renewable resources
  • Gets your hands clean fast and moisturized

7 new from $7.99
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Part Number 101861
Model 100867
Color clear
Is Adult Product
Release Date 2012-06-01T00:00:01Z
Size 5.8 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Language English
Number Of Pages 0
Publication Date 2012-06-01T00:00:00Z

  • Cleans and softens your hands, clearing them of any dirt, grime, grease, oil, paint, ink, adhesives, caulk, grease, and pretty much everything else
  • The soft, yet tough on grime, scrub of Lava comes from it's key ingredient - pumice, a by-product of volcanic activity
  • For those who really get their hands dirty, Lava ensures you'll always get them clean
  • A 2-in-1 value: 2 Lava Bars, 1 package
  • Trusted for over 125 years by the toughest and dirtiest hands