If you have been searching for the best Kohler K-77515-vs, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Kohler K-77515-vs from different categories on the market.

Best Kohler K-77515-vs

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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12 new from $700.00
4 used from $432.50
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Part Number 77515-VS
Model 77515-VS
Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty
Color Vibrant Stainless
Size Standard

  • KITCHEN FAUCET WITH PULL DOWN SPRAYER: Allows you to control water with one hand and reaches beyond the sink to complete other kitchen tasks
  • 3-FUNCTION SPRAY HEAD: Includes ring, Boost, and Sweep Spray technologies Ring is great for everyday cleaning Boost allows you to increase flow rate by 30% Sweep Spray has angled nozzles that create a powerful blade to clean your dishes and sink
  • EASY INSTALL:: Hose and spray head pre-installed Comes with flexible supply lines for easy water hook up 1 or 3 hole installation with escutcheon/deck plate included
  • MAGNETIC DOCKING: DockNetic magnetic docking system securely locks the sprayhead into place
  • MADE TO LAST: Ceramic disc valves exceed industry standards of longevity, performance that is made to last the life in your kitchen
  • LASTING FINISH: Our premium corrosion and tarnish resistant finishes are made to last



Part Number 24982-VS
Model 24982-VS
Color Vibrant Stainless
Size Attribute not applicable for product

  • SEMI-PROFESSIONAL PULL DOWN FAUCET: Professional-style faucet with an easy-to-clean hose that boasts a removable coil, includes 90-degree handle rotation to prevent contact with backsplash; sweep Spray faucet creates a wide, forceful blade of water for superior cleaning 1.5 gpm (5.7 lpm) maximum flow rate at 60 psi (4.14 bar)
  • THREE FUNCTION PULL DOWN SPRAYHEAD FAUCET: With touch-control that allows you to switch from stream, sweep spray, and boost giving 3% flow rate increase; Temperature memory allows the faucet to stay at the temperature set during prior usage.
  • WHY CHOOSE PURIST: KOHLER's high-arch spout offers better clearance for filling pots and cleaning, while the ProMotion technology's light, quiet braided hose and swiveling ball joint makes our pullout faucet more comfortable and easy to use and is equipped with our DockNetik secure docking system locking sprayhead into place, also designed with MasterClean spray face that is easy-to-clean and withstands mineral build-up
  • INSTALLATION: Flexible supply lines are included to make installation faster and easier, designed for single-hole installation
  • KOHLER DESIGN: Made with your space in mind, KOHLER-designed faucets bring an elevated elegance to your kitchen or laundry room, our multiple styles are made to fit different kitchen sinks, RV, or any kitchen remodel
  • MADE TO LAST: Ceramic disc valves exceed industry standards of longevity, and performance that is made to last the life in your kitchen, made with our premium lasting finish that is corrosion and tarnish resistant
  • CERTIFICATION: KOHLER Faucets meet EPA criteria, and is registered with the California Energy Commission (CEC)(9.18.18)

15 new from $317.41
7 used from $198.14
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Part Number 597-VS
Model 597-VS
Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty
Color Vibrant Stainless
Size One Size

  • PULL DOWN FAUCET: Sweep Spray faucet creates a wide, forceful blade of water for superior cleaning, 1.5 gpm (5.7 lpm) maximum flow rate at 60 psi (4.14 bar)
  • THREE FUNCTION PULL DOWN SPRAYHEAD FAUCET: With touch-control that allows you to switch from stream, sweep spray, and boost giving 3% flow rate increase; Temperature memory allows the faucet to stay at the temperature set during prior usage.
  • WHY CHOOSE CRUE: KOHLER's high-arch spout offers better clearance for filling pots and cleaning, while the ProMotion technology's light, quiet braided hose and swivelling ball joint makes our pull out faucet more comfortable and easy to use and is equiped with our DockNetik secure docking system locking sprayhead into place, also designed with MasterClean spray face that is easy-to-clean and withstands mineral build-up,
  • EASY INSTALL: Flexible supply lines are included to make installation faster and easier, designed for single-hole or three-hole installation and includes escutcheon plate
  • KOHLER DESIGN: Made with your space in mind, KOHLER-designed faucets bring an elevated elegance to your kitchen or laundry room, our multiple styles are made to fit different kitchen sinks, RV, or any kitchen remodel
  • MADE TO LAST: Ceramic disc valves exceed industry standards of longevity, and performance that is made to last the life in your kitchen, made with our premium lasting finish that is corrosion and tarnish resistant
  • CERTIFICATION: KOHLER Faucets meet EPA criteria, and is registered with the California Energy Commission (CEC)(3.5.19)

15 new from $648.99
5 used from $454.38


Part Number 99259-VS
Model 99259-VS
Warranty Lifetime limited warranty
Color Vibrant Stainless
Size 17.63 x 4.31 x 8.50 inches

  • KITCHEN FAUCET WITH PULL DOWN SPRAYER: Allows you to control water with one hand and reaches beyond the sink to complete other kitchen tasks
  • 3-FUNCTION SPRAY HEAD: Includes stream, BerrySoft, and Sweep Spray technologies. Sweep Spray has angled nozzles that create a powerful blade to clean your dishes and sink. BerrySoft is great for washing your fruits and vegetables.
  • EASY INSTALL: Hose and spray head pre-installed. Comes with flexible supply lines for easy water hook-up. 1- or 3-hole installation with escutcheon/deck plate included.
  • DockNetik secure docking system locks sprayhead into place when not in use
  • MADE TO LAST: Ceramic disc valves exceed industry standards of longevity, performance that is made to last the life in your kitchen
  • LASTING FINISH: Our premium corrosion and tarnish resistant finishes are made to last

8 new from $43.24
3 used from $38.44
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Part Number 1261404-VS
Model 1261404-VS
Color Vibrant Stainless

  • Protect the warranty on KOHLER products, always look for the KOHLER GENUINE PARTS logo
  • Replacement spray head for KOHLER kitchen faucet
  • Engineered to promote product longevity
  • Made with premium materials for enhanced durability



Part Number GP1043211-VS
Model K-GP1043211-VS
Color Vibrant Stainless
Size Small

  • Protect the on KOHLER products, always look for the KOHLER GENUINE PARTS logo
  • Sprayhead for KOHLER Simplice faucet
  • Vibrant Stainless finish
  • KOHLER finishes resist corrosion and tarnish

15 new from $299.00
5 used from $228.95


Part Number 23765-VS
Model 23765-VS
Color Vibrant Stainless

  • PULL DOWN FAUCET: Sweep Spray faucet creates a wide, forceful blade of water for superior cleaning, 1.5 gpm (5.7 lpm) maximum flow rate at 60 psi (4.14 bar)
  • THREE FUNCTION PULL DOWN SPRAYHEAD FAUCET: With touch-control that allows you to switch from stream, sweep spray, and boost giving 3% flow rate increase; Temperature memory allows the faucet to stay at the temperature set during prior usage.
  • WHY CHOOSE TONE: KOHLER's high-arch spout offers better clearance for filling pots and cleaning, while the ProMotion technology's light, quiet braided hose and swiveling ball joint makes our pull out faucet more comfortable and easy to use and is equipped with our DockNetik secure docking system locking spray head into place, also designed with MasterClean spray face that is easy-to-clean and withstands mineral build-up,
  • EASY INSTALL: Flexible supply lines are included to make installation faster and easier, designed for single-hole or three-hole installation
  • KOHLER DESIGN: Made with your space in mind, KOHLER-designed faucets bring an elevated elegance to your kitchen or laundry room, our multiple styles are made to fit different kitchen sinks, RV, or any kitchen remodel
  • MADE TO LAST: Ceramic disc valves exceed industry standards of longevity, and performance that is made to last the life in your kitchen, made with our premium lasting finish that is corrosion and tarnish resistant
  • CERTIFICATION: KOHLER Faucets meet EPA criteria, and is registered with the California Energy Commission (CEC)(9.16.20)

2 new from $40.05
1 used from $29.47


Part Number K-1382769-VS
Model K-1382769-VS
Color Vibrant Stainless


3 new from $57.99
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Part Number 1218823-VS
Model 1218823-VS
Color Vibrant Stainless

  • Protect the warranty on KOHLER products, always look for the KOHLER GENUINE PARTS logo
  • Replacement spray assembly for KOHLER kitchen faucet
  • Engineered to promote product longevity
  • Made with premium materials for enhanced durability

9 new from $129.99
10 used from $91.23
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Part Number 33151-2MB
Model 33151-2MB
Color Vibrant Brushed Moderne Brass

  • Without overflow
  • 1-1/4" (32 mm) connection
  • Premium metal construction for durability and reliability
  • KOHLER finishes resist corrosion and tarnishing