If you have been searching for the best Its Supply T Zone Turf Herbicide, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Its Supply T Zone Turf Herbicide from different categories on the market.

Best Its Supply T Zone Turf Herbicide

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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15 new from $37.77


Part Number T-Zone Turf Herbicide - 1 Quart
Model T-Zone Turf Herbicide - 1 Quart
Size 1_Quart

  • Active ingredient: Triclopyr, 2,4-D, Dicamba, & Sulfentrazone
  • Designed for residential, commercial, and golf sites
  • Yellow nutsedge suppression
  • Fast visual response to reduce call backs or complaints
  • Cool-weather weed control option (as low as 50°F)

10 new from $107.16


Part Number 000087
Model 9722045
Is Adult Product

  • TZone SE contains 4 active ingredients to effectively control many tough weeds such as wild violets, ground ivy, oxalis, clover, and the toughest broadleaf weeds in turf.
  • Provides suppression of young and actively growing yellow nutsedge.
  • This product exhibits improved cool-weather performance
  • Sulfentrazone combined provide rapid and effective weed control for tough weed species including dandelion, spurge and white clover
  • Please read label for complete list of weeds and product use.

11 new from $108.18


Part Number 000087
Size 1 Gallon

  • TZone SE controls wild violet, ground ivy, black medic
  • Ideal for use on residential and Commercial lawns

7 new from $118.68
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Part Number ASINPPOSPRME59047
Is Adult Product

  • Not for Sale to: AR, CO, CA, CT, DC, IL, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MT, NE, NJ, NM, RI, SD, TX, WA, WI, WY, AK, MA
  • Fast Weed Control-Clover Control in as little as 1 week

8 new from $34.40
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Part Number 50119PSQ121
Model 50119PSQ121
Release Date 2022-05-18T00:00:01Z
Size 32 oz (Quart)

  • DESCRIPTION: Excellent post-emergent activity with proven rapid and effective weed control performance for some of the toughest broadleaf weeds in turfgrass.
  • CONTROLS TOUGH BROADLEAF WEEDS: Dandelion, spurge, white clover, plantains, ground ivy, virginia buttonweed and wild violet; also labelled for the suppression of yellow nutsedge
  • ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Contains four active ingredients: 2,4-D, Dicamba, Triclopyr, and Sulfentrazone
  • HOW IT WORKS: Triad TZ is quickly taken up by the leaves and stems of plants and weed growth ceases within hours. The weed control effects may be seen within a few hours to a few days after application. Weed death occurs in 1 to 4 weeks after application, depending on the application rate, sensitivity of the weed, and environmental conditions.
  • USE SITES: Residential lawns, athletic fields, golf courses, parks, industrial and institutional buildings, commercial sod production, fencerows, farmyards, and utility rights-of-way

8 new from $299.95
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Part Number 000087
Size 2.5 Gallon

  • TZone SE controls wild violet, ground ivy, black medic
  • Ideal for use on residential and commercial lawns and golf courses (fairways and roughs)

11 new from $38.28
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Part Number PBI Gordon 6581246 - 20oz
Model 652400
Is Adult Product
Size 20 Ounces

  • Visible results in hours - Reseed in just two weeks
  • Covers from 14,000 to 18,000 square feet - perfect for large property owners
  • Rapid and effective weed control for common and troublesome weed species in turfgrass
  • Does not harm lawn grasses - Cool Weather Performance
  • RESTRICTED: This product can NOT be shipped to the following states: AK, DC, MA, NJ,VT.

16 new from $49.99
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Part Number ASINPPOSPRME75447
Is Adult Product
Size 8_Ounce

  • BROAD-SPECTRUM WEED CONTROL: Tenacity herbicide is a liquid lawn weed control solution labeled to control 46 broadleaf weed and grass species, including crabgrass, goosegrass, clover, dandelion, ground ivy, yellow foxtail, oxalis, yellow nutsedge and unwanted creeping bentgrass.
  • APPLICATIONS AT SEEDING: Unlike most herbicides, Tenacity can be applied anytime you are seeding, including bare ground seeding or overseeding of established turf. View the label for the complete listing of tolerant turfgrass species.
  • SELECTIVE PRE- AND POST-EMERGENT CONTROL: Based on a naturally occurring compound produced by the bottlebrush plant, Tenacity prevents new weeds from emerging while precisely targeting existing weeds, leaving your lawn and desired grass unharmed.
  • EASY TO MEASURE AND POUR: No more lost syringes. Simply squeeze the bottle to place the precise amount of Tenacity needed in the dispensing chamber. Pour 1 tsp. per 2 gal. of water.
  • TRUSTED ORIGINAL: Tenacity is the original leading herbicide brand containing the active ingredient mesotrione, which the manufacturer innovated more than 20 years ago. 94% of lawn care operators said Tenacity exceeded their expectations.

10 new from $24.53


Part Number MSM Turf 8
Color Blue

  • Description: High quality formulation specifically targeted to broadleaf and grassy weed control on ornamental turf, such as lawns, parks, cemeteries, golf courses (fairways, aprons, tees and roughs) and sod farms.
  • For use In: Commercial & Residential Turf-grass: Residential Lawns, Parks, Cemeteries and Golf Courses (Fairways, Aprons, Tees, Roughs) * See Product label for complete list. See Product label for complete list.
  • Shelf life: MSM Turf Herbicide will last for up to 3 years when stored in a secured warehouse or storage building. Do not store near open containers of fertilizers, seeds, or other pesticides.
  • Always read and follow actual package for complete label verbiage: This information was provided to Pest control products Depot by Manufacturer. The Pest control products Depot makes no claims or warranties to its accuracy. No Guarantee is either expressed or implied by the seller beyond that indicated by the registrant of the products advertised herein.



Part Number Plateau
Size 1_gallon

  • The active herbicide ingredient ranges from 23.6 % ammonium salt to imazapic.
  • PLATEAU can be applied either preemergence or postemergence. However, a postemergence application is the method of choice in most situations. Refer to the label for specific recommendations.
  • PLATEAU Herbicide Plateau herbicide can be effective in providing the weed control and can be helpful in making the green turf areas more high lightened. Plateau is termed as an imidazolinone herbicide which is effectively applied on PPI, EP, PRE or POST to control the growth of grass. Plateau herbicide also makes notable contributions in controlling the cheat grass before the seedling. The damage is very minimum in these types of grasses hence the use of such grasses is at maximum rate on