If you have been searching for the best Gbox Quad, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Gbox Quad from different categories on the market.

Best Gbox Quad

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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Part Number unknown
Color 165g (Quad) (White) (Feather) (3 5/8" Grip)
Size One Size


Part Number LCGLY-FA54*2-US
Warranty 1 year WARRANTY

  • Product:Rear Brake Pads set, Made of semi-metal material, 100% brand new; Meet or exceed OEM quality,Precise Size,Product Size: 41.5 x 45 x 7.5mm,
  • Rear brake pads: Fit for Go Kart ATV Rear Brake Pad Pads fit most imported dirt/quad bikes 50cc 70cc 90cc 110cc 125cc 150cc 200cc 250cc such as :Atomik,Thumpstar, Pitpro & DHZ., for most Chinese for ATVs & Dirt Pit Bikes & Go Karts & Scooters (4 Wheeler,Quad,Go Cart, Dune Buggy,Moped. 50cc, 70cc, 90cc, 110cc, 125cc, 150cc,200cc,250cc,300cc. )
  • Rear brake pads: Compatible with KAWASAKI KLX 125 CAF/CBF/CCF/CCS/CDS/CDF/CEF/CFF/CGF 2010-2016,KLX 125 DAF/DBF/DCF/DDF/DEF D-Tracker 2010-2014,Ninja 125 ABS 2019-2020,Z 125 (BR125 GGF/GHF Auto G/Box) 2016-2020,Z 125 PRO (BR125 HGF/JHF Manual G/Box)2016-2020,KLX 150 L (KLX 150 EFF) 2014-2015,KLX 150 D-Tracker (KLX150 HGF) 2016
  • Rear brake pads: Compatible with MASH Black Seven 125cc 2017-2020,Brown Edition 125cc 2018-2020,Café Racer 125 2014-2020,Dirt Track 125cc 2018-2020,Seventy Five 125 2014-2016,Seventy Five 125 (Classic) 2017-2020,Black Seven 250cc 2017-2020,Café Racer 250cc 2017-2018,Two Fifty 250 2017-2020 ;SUZUKI RM 65 K3/K4/K5 2003-2005
  • Front brake pads:Compatible with SUZUKI DF 125,DR 125 SF/SH/SJ 1985-1994,DR 125 SEX/SEY 1999-2001,TS 125 XUF/XUG/XUH/XUJ 1986-1990,DF 200 EV/EW/EY (SH42A) 1998-2000,DR 200 G/H/J 1986-1989,DR 200 SEP/SER/SES/SEV/SEW/SEX/SEY Djebel (SH42A) 1993-2000,DR 200 SE Trojan 1996-2013,DR 200 SEK1-SEK9 2001-2009,SX 200 R/R2/RJ/RM 1990-1991,LT-F 250 K2-K9/L2-L4 Ozark 2002-2014,TS 250 XE/XG/XH/XJ/XK 1985-1989,LT-A 400 FK2-FK7 Eiger 4WD 2002-2007,LT-A 400 K2/K3/K4 Eiger 2002-2004,