If you have been searching for the best Peruvian Monkey Face Orchid, you probably have noticed that not all models have the same specifications, some can adapt better than others to different tasks. To help you choose the product you need, we have gathered 10 of the best Peruvian Monkey Face Orchid from different categories on the market.

Best Peruvian Monkey Face Orchid

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Our system have put together a list of options that will meet the needs of different types of buyers, so whether it’s price performance or its particular use, we have got you covered for more information on the products we have included links in the list down below which are updated for the best prices.

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Color Red, yellow, white brown

  • SUN: Monkey face orchids grow naturally in dim cool misty conditions. They do not enjoy sun. Keep yours in a cool dark spot or in full shade. You do not need to place it near a window to get direct sun as it will damage the plant. Bright light is also not essential.
  • SOIL: Monkey face orchids cannot be grown in normal potting soil. They require a specific orchid mix that has a chunky consistency. You can purchase this mix or make it yourself using fir bark, perlite, and sphagnum moss. PH levels should be acidic to neutral, with a range of 5.5 to 7.0.
  • WATER: Monkey face orchids must remain damp but should not be overwatered. Water once every 7 days and mist spray regularly to keep the plant damp and cool. Do not use tap water. Rainwater or cooled boiled water is preferred. Choose a pot with drainage holes at the base and on the sides.
  • TEMPERATURE: This plant does not respond well to temperatures that fluctuate a lot or are too hot. Ideal temperatures are between 42°F to 46°F (6°C to 8°C) and 66°F to 68°F (19°C to 20°C). Do not stand your plant in a draught or directly in front of an air conditioner.
  • PLANTING SUGGESTIONS: monkey face orchids do not like too much nitrogen. Do not feed them with a fertilizer that has a high nitrogen component as it will harm the plant. Feeding can be done weekly or monthly.



Color Mix

  • Hardiness zone.9-11
  • Grow.Press the seed into the surface of the soil, since it needs light to germinate. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 60 days before planting. Keep the soil lightly moist until germination.
  • Companion.The tropical beauty of the Monkey Face Orchid pairs well with other lush plants, such as dwarf banana trees, pineapple plants, and rubber trees.
  • Note.Keep in mind that orchid seeds range in sizes from nearly invisible dust particles to the size of a pinhead.
  • Self-seeding.Grow from seed and enjoy growing with your family.

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Color Mix

  • Hardiness zone.9-11
  • Grow.Press the seed into the surface of the soil, since it needs light to germinate. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 60 days before planting. Keep the soil lightly moist until germination.
  • Soil.It’s important to use orchid-specific soil for your plant.
  • Humidity.With the high humidity needs of the Monkey Face Orchid, it is probably best suited for greenhouse residence.
  • Self-seeding.Grow from seed and enjoy growing with your family.

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Color Yellow, white brown

  • SUN: It is advisable to place Monkey Orchid near the window or a screen that will make the sun’s rays not so intense and receive the right amount.
  • SOIL: They require a specific orchid mix that has a chunky consistency. You can purchase this mix or make it yourself using fir bark, perlite, and sphagnum moss. PH levels should be acidic to neutral, with a range of 5.5 to 7.0.
  • TEMPERATURE: These are orchids that love cold climates and that have a high percentage of humidity, it is recommended between 70% and even 80% of humidity in the cultivation of the Dracula simia.
  • BLOOM PERIOD: The Monkey Face Orchid is a plant capable of blooming at any time of the year and if we pay attention to its needs, it will offer us up to two blooms every year.
  • GERMINATION: At least 4 weeks to germination.



Color Red,Yellow

  • LIGHT: Try to keep it out of the sun, as the monkey face orchid grows in shade of cloud forests and will not do well with direct sunlight.
  • SOIL: The soil needs to be kept quite moist, so you don’t need to worry about over-watering this plant. It needs to be misted as well.
  • TALL: Growing up to 2 feet tall, this orchid plant can produce blossoms in a multitude of colors like red, lavender, yellow, and more.
  • GERMINATION: It can take a very long time for leaves to sprout (up to 2 months).
  • USDA ZONE: Monkey Face Orchids is suitable for cultivation in USDA zones 9 to 11.

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Color White, brown

  • LIGHT: Monkey face orchids grow naturally in dim cool misty conditions. They do not enjoy sun. Keep yours in a cool dark spot or in full shade. You do not need to place it near a window to get direct sun as it will damage the plant.
  • SOIL: Monkey face orchids cannot be planted into your normal potting soil. They require very specific soil conditions. You can purchase this mix or make it yourself using fir bark, perlite, and sphagnum moss. PH levels should be acidic to neutral, with a range of 5.5 to 7.0.
  • WATER: Try to use natural rainwater if possible. If you do not have easy access to rainwater, use cooled boiled water or distilled water that you can purchase from a store.
  • TEMPERATURE: Plant monkey face orchids in special orchid-mix in cool, damp, shady, and very humid conditions. Ideal temperatures are 42°F to 46°F and 66°F to 68°F.
  • BLOOM PERIOD: Monkey face orchids wow with their unique flowers that resemble Simian monkeys with drooping Dracula fangs. A plant will flower through the year for up to 19 years under the correct conditions.